Saturday, April 28, 2012

Isaac and Eleanor's Excellent Easter Adventure

David, Isaac, and I were invited to Eleanor's house for Easter, and we had a great time.  We came early, and when we arrived, Eleanor's grandparents gave Isaac a basket along with Eleanor.  It was such a nice, sweet thing to do--and they were so smart and gave each kid the exact same things.  Kids at this age just don't understand why someone would get something different than they would.  Here Isaac and Eleanor and staring suspiciously at each other's yellow alphabet balls.

 Soon afterwards, we had an Easter egg hunt in the backyard.  This is the age where you don't even have to put anything in the eggs; it's the thrill of the hunt.

Generally, it worked best if Isaac and Eleanor searched for eggs separately.  I love the intense look on Eleanor's face here--and the triumph on Isaac's.  

Of course, they were very curious about what was in each other's basket.  Look at my little egg-stealing baby.

 Don't worry--Eleanor wouldn't let him get away with it.

Anyway, he eventually got distracted by balls. As soon as he saw the pink one, he totally shifted gears.

 Eventually, they both started playing this game where they had walk through the narrow space between the fence and the trees.  I'm perhaps too old to appreciate the awesomeness of this, but they loved it--and would chuckle victoriously after the completion of each circuit.

 Another really cool thing--there was a mama bunny and her babies in Eleanor's yard!  They were so cute and sweet (sorry for the blurry photo; it's the best I could get.).

Lee made an amazing dinner that included lamb, asparagus, and these heavenly homemade rolls.  It was so delicious, but I made a tactical error in giving Isaac a roll first--he refused to eat anything else.

At least until cake.

The cake was my contribution--and I think it's the best I've ever made.  Lemon cake with white chocolate frosting.   It's supposed to be covered in roses, but it ended up looking something like a sixties dress.

I love Eleanor's look here.  She's ready for some cake! 

I made little individual cakes for Isaac and Eleanor; each had their initial (they both recognize Es and Is) and I tried to do their favorite colors.  Eleanor's is purple, but when I asked Isaac, he said, "Yellow!  Red!  Blue! Orange!  Green!"  So who knows?

Somehow, he still managed to choke it down.

After lunch, we went on a short walk to the playground and took our incredibly sleepy toddler back to our house for a nap--which let David and I sneak in some Easter chocolate.

It's amazing to me that two Easters ago, we brought our little bunny home from the hospital.  I still remember sitting in the back of the car (on a pillow--giving birth is painful!) next to our new car seat, and David and I wondering how in the world they could just let us leave with this little, tiny baby.  And now a little baby is tall, lumbering toddler. 

But he'll always be our bunny.

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