Thursday, August 25, 2011

Something to Say

For the most part, Isaac is pretty content to communicate his needs and desires via pointing, grunting, and jabbering.  He speaks a handful of words and knows the meaning of many more, but when I ask him to use his words, he often gives me an exasperated look and jabbers at me (which I can tell is cursing).

But from talking to other moms and reading about child development, I know a big leap forward, lingusitically, is just around the corner.  Already Isaac surprises us with new words nearly every day.  So far this week, he's said demandingly, "nana, nana!" when David was eating a banana.  He also was smilingly repeating "keys, keys" one morning when he woke up.  (And he does know what keys are.  In fact, he's helped David and I locate ours several times--usually because he's hidden them).

Perhaps the cutest new word though is papa.  Isaac just started saying it last night out of the blue.  He says it with the emphasis on the second syllable, like pa-PAW, which makes him seem like a little nineteenth-century street urchin.  I think, with his pale complexion, big blue eyes, he could really rock the Oliver Twist look.  Perhaps his first sentence will be "please sir, can I have some more?"  And really, if he learned that, there's no way I--or anyone else--could refuse him anything.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

One of the many things I love about Isaac is how easy he is to entertain.  He loves to play by himself; at times, he shoves David and I away when he's playing (though of course, we're still expected to watch and applaud from a distance).  Anything in the house has the potential to be a fun toy.  I don't think I've ever seen him bored.

Case in point--the limitless fun he can have with a chair.

First of course, he needs a break from the arduous task of climbing on it.

Then Isaac remembers that there's a light behind the chair.

Doesn't this pose seem slightly risque?  Perhaps he'll become a chippendale dancer.

And apparently he turned into a zombie baby here.  He does have a taste for human flesh, the little biter.   

 Here he is doing the splits.

This is the best "stomping" photo we've been able to get. 

And then he slides off, ready for his next adventure.  The kitchen cabinets are calling!

Man and Superman

 Even superheroes need a break sometimes.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Tales of a Tub

I know what you're thinking.  Another Isaac-taking-a-bath photo.  (Not that any of you would complain).
But there’s something different about this photo.  Can you tell?

I bet you can in this one.

That’s right—there’s no water in the tub.  And the bear is wearing a diaper.  Neither one of these things seems to get in the way of his good time.

After a recent bathtime, Isaac decided he wasn't finished playing in tub.  So he ran back to the bathroom and climbed in.  Naturally, being the disciplinarian that I am, I gently scolded him amd got him out of there.

Or I carefully placed Isaac's favorite bath toys (i.e. Daddy's shampoo) on the ledge for him get.  One of those two things.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Stomping Ground

Isaac has started doing something so cute--stomping/marching his feet.  At first, he only did it occasionally when he was upset. But now--when he's excited, angry,or happy, he marches in place.  It is completely adorable--and only slightly less so when David does it to spur Isaac. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

One of these days...

...we're going to get organized.

As the start of the academic year looms ever closer, I've been trying to finish up some projects around the house.  The family photo gallery in the living room is finally complete.  I'm prepping to get our "office" (i.e. a bricked up front porch) more work-friendly.  And I'm doing things that will make the balance of mother/professor easier.  I've been freezing meals--so far, homemade mac and cheese, marina sauce, and eggplant lentil stew (don't worry, Dad.  i won't make you eat eggplants or lentils when you come to visit). 

One of the things I've done is to set up a place for coats, bags, and shoes in our entryway. 

Which has quickly become Isaac's favorite play area.

He does NOT approve of shoes being put up.

In fact, he doesn't really appreciate people wearing them either.

Don't worry--order was restored.  All shoes were placed where they should be, on the floor of the kitchen.

Who knew organization could be so much fun?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Farmer in the Dell

When David was a toddler, he used to wear the same denim overalls everyday; apparently, that's all he wanted to wear.  Ferne has shown me photos, and he looks absolutely adorable.  So it's unsurprising that when Ferne saw some jean shortalls in Isaac's size, she couldn't resist.

And I have to say, he's pretty gosh darn adorable.

In Isaac's eyes the advantage of this ensemble is that the straps provide a constant snack.  This kid loves buttons.

Enthralled with my tot's cuteness, we went to Walmart with Isaac dressed just like this--both shirtless and shoeless.  Perhaps our rural location is rubbing off on me more than I realized...

But clearly not too much.  Case in point--Isaac has now fallen in love with his zebra (which he previously ignored), but hasn't really figured out how to get on it.  Truth is, he prefers side-saddle--which leads to countless jokes in our house.

If you're worried about his gentle feelings being hurt, fear not.  Isaac can pull off the James Dean/bad boy lounge like nobody  else can.  Not even James Dean.

So he's still rockin'--just in a different sense.