Sunday, April 8, 2012

Countdown to Isaac's Birthday

Hello there! 

Sorry for such a long delay; both David and I have been busy with Isaac and non-Isaac things, and we've been forgetting about the blog.  But Isaac's just so much fun--and saying so many things--that we're going to try to be better about posting.  And how could we forget his birthday celebrations?

As you might know, Isaac turned two last week.  And although we had a (small) party planned, we thought we'd take Isaac somewhere fun the weekend before.  There's an indoor water park in a nearby small city, so we headed there.

Isaac's always loved the water, and he was very, very impatient to get in as soon as we arrived.  Look at the happy expression on his face!  (By the way, he's just recently started saying "Happy, Happy!" when he's feeling happy.  Sometimes it' really sweet, like when he told me that while I was kissing his face.  Of course, this afternoon he told me that after I gave him an M&M.  And then he told me, "Mama happy" when I was changing his poopy diaper.  Oh, the chutzpa of a toddler. )

We'd been here once before, last summer, and Isaac really enjoys the "fountains" of water that come out in the kiddie pool.

But he developed a new interest (or obsession) this time--the water slides.  I mean, the big, adult-size water slides, which they let Isaac go down as long as he was in one of our laps.  You see how big the slide is?


To say he loved the water slide is an understatement.  As soon as we took off, he started giggling happily until the end of the ride--at which point he started repeated loudly, "MORE water slide!  More water slide!"  Look at him pulling David along.

After repeating this approximately a billion times (and there was a whole obstacle course to walk up the slide), David and I were exhausted and figured Isaac was too.  So despite his protests (Green water slide!  Purple water slide!  More!), we took a little time out.

It helped that our break included a chocolate chip cookie.  I think most of the chocolate ended up on his face and belly.  And look at Isaac's face: clearly, he's still pouting about the water slides.

But when we took him to the arcade next door, he became instantly happy--probably because many of the games involved balls.   Here he is helping David excell at skee ball (and by help, I mean steal the balls and run away).

Isaac also really liked the game where you hit the little animals on the head.  Okay, that sounded creepy, but you know what game I'm talking about, right?

There was one little game that involved throwing balls in a bucket.  It was just the right size for his nearly two-year-old self.

Sometime it was very hard to wait for the balls to come out.

So Isaac decided to take matters into his own hands.

 And yes, apparently I am the type of mother who will take photos of her child climbing onto a machine.  I took him down right after this.

Or almost right after.

In the end, we amassed enough tickets to get a squishy yellow ball and a new rubber ducky, both of which Isaac delighted in.  All three of us had a great time--I think one of the fun things about Isaac is that David and I get to be kids again too.  (When's that last time you played skee ball?  It's awesome.) We returned home tired but content.

Look at how happy he is to lay on his daddy (and I think he's clutching his new ducky).

And this was just the eve o' his birthday!  Stay tuned for birthday party pics!

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