Monday, April 9, 2012

Food = Love

 I love cooking.  It allows me to use a different part of my brain than research or teaching, and it's really nice to have end up with a material product after working on something.

But truthfully--I only like cooking for Isaac sometimes.  What can I say?  He's a picky toddler, and I'm spoiled by my very appreciative and complimentary husband.  But I can make a dish that Isaac gobbles up (i.e. ate more than David or I ) and then the next time I make it, he'll refuse to even try it.  For his birthday, I made fensjoon, an amazing walnut and pomegranate stew from Persia that's meant for celebrations.  In the past, Isaac has devoured it; he's even eaten chicken if it's covered in the sauce.  He wouldn't even look at it this time and instead insisted that Daddy microwave him "mush," which is what he calls cream of wheat, and fried rice.  Even though the rest of us enjoyed the fesenjoon (it really is good, I promise), it felt like I had wasted hours making it.

At least Isaac enjoyed his breakfast, which was a slightly less sophisticated--chocolate chip pancake hearts.  These are a winner every time, especially if I put in a bit of cinnamon.

 Actually, Isaac ate pancakes for lunch too. Eh, it was his birthday.

But the most important cooking element of Isaac's birthday was the cake.  It was banana cake with chocolate cream cheese frosting, and yes, I made samples beforehand to make sure he would eat it.

But I also wanted it to be fun, so I attempted to make a car cake.

I'm neither a boss nor an ace of cakes, but Isaac recognized it as a car, so I consider that a winner.

Even if it does look like a Pinto with monster truck wheels.  Wait 'til you see the photos of Isaac-bear eating it!

Speaking if kids and eating, have you read that article in Vogue about a mother forcing her seven-year-old on a diet?  Crazy! 

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