Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Lies My Parents Told Me

One popular model of child development describes birth-18 months as the trust vs. mistrust stage: children learn, through their interactions with their parents, rather to trust others or not.  I was pretty confident until recently that Isaac was on the "trust" side of things.

But ever since our weekend grocery trip, he refuses to believe that the bag o' circular objects is onions.  He insists that they're balls.  Every morning during breakfast, he points to the counter where they are and demands, in increasingly desperate tones, "balls, balls."   Why would his beloved Mama and Daddy withhold such splendors from him?

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Hide and Seek

since fall's now here, we've been trying to soak up all the outdoor fun we can--before big bad winter hits.  That means we've been going to Isaac's favorite park three or four times a week.  (Just as an aside--it's not one of the two parks within walking distance; now when we go there, Isaac shakes his head and demands "car" to go to the other park.  Oh, the demands of a toddler.)

This park is probably the biggest in town with three different swing sets, two playgrounds, and other exciting attractions.  But that's not Isaac's favorite part.

He likes to go off the beaten path...

...and head to the wide, open side full of trees and nature.

Yep--our boy just might be a tree-hugger.  I mean that literally.

Look at the adoration and awe on his little face as he gazes up at the tree--though truth be told, he also sometimes gets angry at it for being taller than he is.

I love how he looks like a little chipmunk here.

We also like to run behind trees and play peek-a-boo.  Here Isaac is, marching to find Mama.  He's so excited that he's swinging his arms up and down--you can kinda tell in this photo. 

Another fun things we do is to comb the ground for woodland treasures. 

I know winter will bring its own pleasures, but right now, nothing beats some trees, my son, and a handful of carefully chosen acorns.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

A Natural Consequence

of having two English PhDs for your parents is that literary references abound.  When we used to put Isaac in his little nightgowns (which seems so long ago now!), we used to tell him he was in gender trouble.

And look what happens when my poor innocent has his "Old" shirt--bought to celebrate his first birthday--on.  I just couldn't resist: after all, I'm a modernist at heart.

And who doesn't love T.S. Eliot?

I grow old...

I grow old...

I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Double Your Pleasure

I really thought I was being brilliant when we bought a back-up giraffe.  I just didn’t count on Isaac finding it and now demanding both when he sleeps. 

I suppose on further reflection, he’s always liked to carry two things in each hand—especially when they’re the same things.

David’s worried though—what if I buy two more giraffes, and Isaac finds them?  Where will the madness end?

Who knew that the toddler years would involve worrying about stuffed animal reproduction?

The more things change

the more they stay the same.

Last year on the first day of school, I was worried about leaving Isaac for so long--especially since he refused to nap except on someone.  As this photo demonstrates, he took to Amanda right away.

Now I have a boisterous toddler who is way too busy to cuddle.  And forget about napping on me--he doesn't want to nap at all! 

Which is why, when Isaac fell asleep in the car after playgroup, I was more than happy to hold him as he slept.  Even though he smelled like a terrible combination of baby sweat and mud.  It's funny how a year can change your perspective on things.