Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Morning Adventures

Another fun Isaac story today that I just had to share, even if there's no photos:

I was running late, as usual, today and had to take a shower this morning before work.  It was David's morning to sleep, so Isaac and I were hanging out.  I put a bunch of toys in the bathroom, including "toys" that are especially fascinating because he;s not supposed to have them (i.e.  hairbrush, lint remover, etc.), so I figured we'd be fine--after all, I've perfected the three-minute shower since becoming a mom.  Isaac, however, was discontent: why should Mama get to play in water while he doesn't?  So he climbed into the shower.  And proceeded to splash around happily while I finished up.  All while fully clothed. 

Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Guest Post From Daddy

As you all know, Amanda has been out of town this weekend, and Isaac and I have been fending for ourselves the last couple of days.  By Saturday morning, I could tell that he was really starting to miss her.  And I had already been missing her.  Nonetheless, we still had a fun weekend.

Isaac had his bath.

He ate messy foods.

And he played in the closet.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

All Work and No Play

David and I decided the other day--Isaac's ten months old now.  It's time he earns his keep around here. Please watch the following video while singing "Cinderella, Cinderella"--you know, that song the creepy mice sing in the movie.

Stairway to Heaven

Isaac's new favorite thing is to climb the stairs.  And since we can't put up a gate (there's a window opposite the banister in our old creaky house), David and I have to be prepared to climb up the stairs--in spotter position-- approximately 11, 247 times a day.

Isaac especially likes to run for the stairs when he's being changed, as you can see by our half-naked boy here.

 He likes to celebrate on the landing with shrieks and screams of excitement.  And it's generally considered a wasted journey if he doesn't bring something with him--you'll notice in the photo he's clutching his favorite cuddly toy, a bag of wet wipes.

The last part of the journey is the most difficult and treacherous.  Luckily Daddy's there to catch him if necessary.

Look at the concentration--and confidence--on his face!  It's the face of a boy who's about to attack his mama and the camera.

P.S.  Is it just me or does it seem crazy that Isaac can climb the stairs before he can walk?

Like Taking Candy

Aunt Jenny sent a wonderful care package to us this week, and in it was a special treat for Isaac.

But whoever came up with that saying obviously never met Isaac.  It's much harder than it sounds.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Das Kapital

Isaac is now tall enough to grab things off the dining room table.  Like our checkbook.

I thought kids waited until they were teenagers to take money from their parents, but apparently Isaac's decided to start early.  I'm just curious how he's planning to spend the money.  A cell phone?  A new remote control?  Who knows?

Of course, if Isaac keeps on getting into our papers, there might not be much to go around.  Mama and Daddy make a living from teaching and grading, and generally students don't think baby spit-up is a useful grading strategy. 

Shark Babies, Dinner and Bonding

For people who didn't take one photo the entire time we lived in Miami (also the first four years of our married life), David and I sure take tons of photos now--all told, we've been taken about three thousand since Isaac was born.  Of course, nearly all of them feature a beautifully handsome angel baby, but due to Isaac's mischievous and hilarious behavior, we often get quite funny ones too.  But these two--these deserve special attention for their sheer awesomeness. David and I burst out laughing every time we see them.

First up--our naked shark monster baby.  Isaac had just taken a bath and had used his masculine wiles to escape as I was attempting to put a diaper on him.  Notice his little pot belly--obviously someone had a lot of dinner that night.  David thinks he looks like a naked but caped superhero.  And look at the intense concentration on his face (as he tosses the remote control to the ground).  Given the fact that David and my pet name for Isaac during the first trimester was fish baby, I think this photo is completely apropos.  Our fish baby's all grown up!

 Next up we have a touching photo of father-and-son bonding.  Look how charming my two boys are!  Isaac had been crawling around half-naked (no self-consciousness in this one) and much to his delight, Daddy scooped him up in his arms.  I decided to capture the moment, but the moment I captured wasn't exactly what I thought I was getting.  Isaac spit up just as the camera flashed--and clearly isn't bothered in the least.  Actually, he's sticking his chest out proudly.  Daddy, on the other hand, can't help but look on in disgust.

Being a parent is an amazing gift that you have to take take seriously.  But it's also a messy, hilarious trip--and the photos that illustrate that are always my favorites.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Whole Truth

Y'all know I love Isaac.  Heck, this whole blog is a shrine to my little boy.  But I have to admit it--he can also be incredibly gross.

Case in point: last night as I was getting Isaac ready for bed, I noticed my angel baby smacking his lips while smiling sweetly at me.  Much to his disgust, I pried open his mouth, amidst lots of angry wails.  Much to my disgust, I found a bug in there.  I pulled it out--intact--apologized for the torture it had been through, and sent it own its merry way.  Isaac, however, was absolutely appalled that I had so callously thrown away his bedtime snack.

I can't help but wonder--do girl babies do the same types of things?