Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Whole Truth

Y'all know I love Isaac.  Heck, this whole blog is a shrine to my little boy.  But I have to admit it--he can also be incredibly gross.

Case in point: last night as I was getting Isaac ready for bed, I noticed my angel baby smacking his lips while smiling sweetly at me.  Much to his disgust, I pried open his mouth, amidst lots of angry wails.  Much to my disgust, I found a bug in there.  I pulled it out--intact--apologized for the torture it had been through, and sent it own its merry way.  Isaac, however, was absolutely appalled that I had so callously thrown away his bedtime snack.

I can't help but wonder--do girl babies do the same types of things?

1 comment:

  1. I predict he will also be eating snakes, snails, and puppy dog tails.
