Friday, August 27, 2010

If At First You Don't Succeed...

We took Isaac to the park again and he enjoyed it much better than last time.   The swings were successful again, and he also liked a new thing (I have no idea what it's called but it makes a good backdrop for photos!):

On the way back we stopped to take care of our friends' dogs.  Isaac hadn't really interacted with any dogs since we were in Texas and I was curious to see what he thought.  He quickly became distraught because the dogs weren't close enough to him.  He seemed to like Walter (the greyhound) the best and lunged for him (almost falling off my lap in the process).

We're going to have to get this boy a dog pretty soon; he loved petting and kissing Walter.  But dogs' mouths are supposedly cleaner than humans, right?

1 comment:

  1. To my technology-challenged family: I've just downloaded and printed all the photographs of Isaac from this blog - let me know if you want copies!
