Sunday, August 15, 2010

Hanging Around

We've busted out the baby carrier again this week--David and I had almost forgotten about it, but when Isaac was being fussy and I was running out of ideas, I suddenly remembered it.  And since he has good head control, we can put him in it facing forward.  Doesn't he look cute?

We both really enjoy it: I get to pick up around the house (with both hands!) while we dance around together, and he likes watching everything while sucking on the edge of the babybjorn.

It has continued to be very hot here, so we've spent most of the week camped upstairs where we have A/C.  I've also had the excuse to put Isaac in what might be his cutest outfit yet:

When we took him out in this, everyone who saw him admired him; a little girl couldn't resist grabbing  onto his foot as she passed by in a stroller.  But of course, who could resist this face?

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how much more of the babybjorn he takes up! Isaac is clearly the most adorable baby in the history of babies.
