Monday, June 13, 2011


On Wednesday we'll be starting a story time with Isaac at our local library.  But the bear baby already likes to read--it just depends on who's doing the reading.

Here's a video of me reading one of Isaac's favorite's, Baby Talk.

It's hard to be sad because Isaac's expression is just so awesomely bored.  He's clearly total id.  Anyway, here's David's dramatic rendition of the same story:

Now, ever since I've known him, David's always had a reputation for  great voice: professors used to ask him to read for the class; he even read part of The Odyssey in the campus quad at UM to widespread critical acclaim and applause to his listeners (and getting undergrads to appreciate Homer?  That's a feat unto itself).  I guess what I'm trying to say is that David is a superior opponent.

At the same time, I sometimes wish that David wouldn't get so into his interpretations of Isaac's books.  There's no need for an existential reading of Duck and Goose 1 2 3 (sample page:  "4 friends--trying to deny the meaningless of their lives.  5 flowers--which bloom for only a brief moment before they wither.)  Probably the continental philosophy can wait until the terrible twos.

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