Wednesday, June 1, 2011

School's Out For Summer's been awhile.  My apologies--life and work have been a bit hectic, so the blog's been on the back burner for the last couple months.  but the good news is that school's out, so we should be resuming a more regular posting schedule.

One of the things I've been preoccupied with lately is making a fun play area for Isaac outside.  Here are the fruits of my--and our very generous neighbor Linda's--labor:

Isaac just loves being outside, and we have lots of (cheap) toys to encourage his activity.  He seems to walk more and more every day--that's the subject of an upcoming post--but he really walks a lot when we're outside, whether he's putting things away in his "workbench" or causing havoc at his water table.

Perhaps his favorite toy is the water table.  This boy is a water baby: he cries when I take him out of the bath and tries to break into the bathroom when David and I are showering.  Needless to say, he loves to splash around outside. 

Okay, so this photo might not be the best evidence of his love for the water table, but I adore his hilariously somber expression.  Linda had the audacity to be in her yard and not be looking at Isaac.  Cue the heartache.

We've also moved Isaac's tricycle (birthday gift from Gram and Gramps!) outside.  David calls this Isaac's beefcake photo.

I finished the play area outside a couple weeks ago, but on Memorial Day, I noticed those big plastic pools at Walmart and had to get one.  Isaac had started climbing into his water table and using it as a pool, so really I had no choice.  David and I were so excited--we set it up while Isaac was taking his afternoon nap and couldn't wait for him to wake it.  When he did, he was a little more wary that we thought he'd be...

 We didn't realize it, but the water from the hose was freezing!  Isaac decided that he was content to stand and splash but refused to sit.  Nevertheless, a good time was had by all:

The last part of the play area is for David and I--as well as any friends that stop by.  We wanted to have premium seats while watching Isaac play.  And there's really nothing better than watching your child play happily while drinking sparkling white wine and eating cherry pie with your spouse.

Especially when your beloved baby comes to steal pie from you.

We're looking forward to creating lots more summer memories.  Stay tuned!

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