Sunday, January 30, 2011

They Might Be Giants

By all accounts, Isaac is a long/tall baby.  He's continued to measure in the 95% for height every time we go to his well-child visits.   Strangers express astonishment when I say he's only ten months old.  During our playdates, he's as taller (or taller) than the little girl who's about four month older than him.  Another friend said Isaac was roughly the same size as a seventeen-month old she had recently visited. 

But apparently that's not good enough.  Isaac wants to be a giant.

One of his new favorite things is to sit on Daddy's shoulders while he marches around.  He giggles and screams triumphantly as he enjoys the world from a new vantage point.  But Isaac thinks one of the best things is that he can look at me--and he's taller than I am.    

I tell him that he will, in all likelihood, be taller than his mama and his daddy--just not at ten months.  But he seems to like the practice nonetheless.

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