Sunday, January 30, 2011

Brave New World

In answer to the question we get most often, Isaac isn't standing or walking yet (though you should see him cruise from one end of the sofa to the other--especially if he sees a remote control!).  Nevertheless, he's becoming increasingly adept at maneuvering around our creaky old house.  We've baby-proofed to the best of our abilities and the house's capabilities--for instance, we can't put a gate at the bottom of the stairs because there's a window there.  But Isaac the Explorer has discovered there's new places to go and things to see.  Here's what his explorer diary would read like:

After months of searching, I've discovered a secret door on the kitchen to a whole new world.  I've visited this mysterious room before but only in the presence of the Watchers, who often refuse my access to the most exciting elements in this chamber.  If I stand by one tall building, I can gaze into the calming waters encased in its center.  And if I reach down, I can even feel the water itself!  Across from this building is an ancient scroll of paper at mouth level that's wonderful to chew on.  But as I was experiencing this pleasure, a Watcher came and pulled it out of my mouth.  They have since sealed off this wondrous place.  I have tried to reopen the room, but it's difficult to do so without their interference. Why must they hold me back? 

1 comment:

  1. Poor angel baby! Between this atrocity and the horrors of naptime, this is the last straw. I'm calling CPS now.
